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My Favourite Podcasts and Blogs ‹ Love Your Creativity


My Favourite Podcasts and Blogs

This is a list of what I am reading, listening to and following at present, I will add to it as I go 😉
I have also attached below the affiliate link to my hosting – I have been with bluehost over 3 years and never had any issues – just click on the link.

It is wonderful how much amazing advice is out there on pretty much everything, I just have to listen and take action.Screen shot 2013-04-10 at 23.04.16


I seem to have become obsessed with podcasts despite having never listened to one before spring 2013.  I am moving flat for the first time in 15 years so a podcast playing whilst I pack makes me feel super productive. Sitting down reading lots of blogs at present feels like me being lazy.  I also listen to inspiring podcasts whilst I am in the gym and get my brain working at the same time rather than just ogling all the fit men. Though yesterday I was resting in between bicep curl sets in the free weights section, as the only woman there I was just surrounded by lots of super fit men all pushing themselves to the limits, I just breathed in the testosterone and smiled 😉

Anyway back to the brain stuff!

Seth Godin’s Startup School Podcasts

Michael Hyatt. This is your life Podcasts

Introducing Internet Marketing for Smart People Radio

Chris Brogan, The Human Business Way – podcast interviews

Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast

Dave Ramsey Radio


Blogs/Podcasts – These are  both a blog and podcast

Smart Passive Income

Music marketing

Podcast answer man


Blogs/Social Media

Creative Boom



Given that I only set this blog up mid March 2013 and I did my first Podcast beginning of April, it just shows how listening to positive messages about tackling the technology to get your message out is worth while. I have now in just 3 weeks  published 4 podcasts and have got another one in the can. I am now thinking Youtube video, just to say hi to the world but my brain is popping out ideas on what I could do. Think video is May’s goal.