Podcast Coaching Session No 1: Marysia with Ryan James Lock, Post 41 of Dream, create and make money in the arts.
Love Your Creativity aims to keep myself and you focused on creativity and this is the first of a series of coaching sessions with Ryan Lock ‘Be Your Own Publicist”. There are many calming and focusing tips in this podcast about the first steps on getting your artistic product out of the door whether it is a song, a novel or a painting.
This is the first coaching session CS001. Ryan has agreed to coach me in this podcast format as what to do when you have a creative product and dont know the next steps. I have a dance music song ‘Londontown’ and I am clueless on what to do next, I dont know the dance market and there seems an overwhelming amount to do. Ryan talks about my fears and is coaching me over the next few weeks on my next steps.
Here are some of the highlights (this is not a full transcript) so listen to the show either by clicking on the right pointing arrow above or you can go to iTunes Love Your Creativity podcast channel
Some highlights from the coaching session
He advised me to get very clear on what I want to achieve wth this project, fears aside, what are the objectives. Look at shifting my focus to everything that is in my control.
Take action in spite of my fear.
On me getting moving on this project despite my fear, he advised me to look at what am I avoiding doing.
An Exercise he gave me was: Write down a list of what I am avoiding doing and putting off.
This will clear my mind, then beside each thing, write an action step that I can do NOW. Then DO IT!
The main thing he wants to see happen is movement.
He wants me on this first coaching session to not do anything to add to the overwhelm but focus on what I want to achieve this week. I need the foundation in place as then the juicy parts will work better.
Treat the project like going to the gym, it can hurt doing the weights but at the end you feel great.
Regarding bad reviews and reactions, taking mine and Andrew Hyde’s little song into the world and I dont want the bad reactions or negativity.
Ryan’s advice was that the more I target my project to whom it is tailored for the better I feel. Once I am clear who it is for, then I can start creating a plan. Also once I realise who the track is for then what people think of it does not matter so much if they are not my target audience.
It is totally natural to worry but understanding yourself as a brand will calm down the anxiety.
Know who my track is for and target then. If the people who I am targeting do not like it I can then target it, and those who slander it, if they are not my target audience which is fine.
Miraculously he calmed my fears down and stopped me from feeling so scared and overwhelmed. He dealt with all my objections and waded through my excuses. Ryan has left me feeling very focused and positive. I feel
He is doing a fast track programme of Coaching for free, full of strategies he uses with his private clients and for himself.
If you, as a listener would like to ask myself and Ryan a question on creativity or marketing just email us or call my Speak Pipe. The advantage of leaving a message on my Speak Pipe (button on the right of my website saying ‘Leave a voicemail’ is that If you leave your blog details etc we can play the call live.
If you like this and want an indepth overview on being your own publicist see Podcast on How To Be Your Own Publicist, Marysia & Ryan James Lock
The Coaching Sessions in reverse order are as follows
Why you must get comfortable being uncomfortable – Coaching podcast session 4
Podcast Coaching Session 001 How to start promoting yourself and stop holding yourself back
How to coach yourself into being your own publicist. Just go to his website
Twitter @RyanJamesLock
Face book : Page
Ryan James Lock email
The website with free advice and his Bootcamp and place to buy his coaching course is here
My other podcasts with other interviews
If you like this podcast please rate us or subscribe on iTunes, it’s free and will help others find it. Or you can just go the website for the blog and you can subscribe there via your email if you dont want to miss a post
Love Your Creativity.com is dedicated to all creatives trying to make great work and make a living from it.
About Marysia and Love Your Creativity
I blog at least three times a week on creativity and techniques to get your art on.
Whether you are a musician, an actor or a choreographer I endeavour to make https://loveyourcreativity.com is a place to come for inspiration and motivation.
The dance music I use Londontown, is a track I wrote years ago and Andrew Hyde and I are currently working on 3 remixes of it. We will be releasing it very soon as a dance track, dub step mix and bar mix.
Ryan’s contact details
Face book : The Ryan James Consultancy
Ryan James Lock ryan@beingyourownpublicist.com
The website and place to buy the ebook is here
He also has on his site a free weekly mindset and pr strategy emails you can sign up to plus a free ebook 10 ways to instantly promote yourself and your work.
Stitcher Radio http://stitcher.com/s?fid=33657&refid=stpr
Follow on Twitter @MarysiaT
The website https://loveyourcreativity.com
Via email marysia@loveyourcreativity.com
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Loveyourcreativity
About this series – Becoming a Successful Creative – The Business of Creativity covering all the angles and issues of putting on a show, exhibition or event to showcase your art
This is a series of daily blogs for you on how to dream up, build, market and sell a creative event, gig, festival, book launch, cabaret night, exhibition of rude plastic cupcakes or whatever creatively inspires you. It is time to create and put on that play about your family, a series of drawings about hedgehogs, the album you have talked about making or the short film you always wanted to write and make. You can read the series in order Part One or just pick and choose a topic that interests you.
Tags: Andrew Hyde, bad reviews, branding, Londontown, marketing, Marysia, objectives, pr, Ryan, Ryan James, Ryan James Lock., Ryan Lock, succesful creative, target audience
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